Areas of Specialization:
Performance / Performance-based Research
Violin performance (in-person and online)
Chamber music
Artistic Research
Music History / Musicology
Music history from 1700 to the present
19th-century music history
Program music
The circle of Johannes Brahms
Research methods
Performance practice
Artistic research
As an Associate Professor of Music at Valparaiso University, IN, my teaching is centered on two main fields: violin and musiclolgy. As a violin professor I have taught students from the age of 6 through professional level for six years. My students have entered and won competitions and they have been accepted into prestigious graduate school programs.
As a musicologist I have taught music history from 1700 to the present for the last six years. This course includes a music-historical survey but also research and writing. All students complete a rigorous research paper in the second of two semesters. The skills taught in this course include:
articulating important musical and socio-cultural events and issues surrounding works from the Baroque to the present
outlining the evolutionary development of common practice period forms and genres as they change from the Baroque to the present
produce a rigorous research paper
aurally identify music of the Baroque, Classical period, Romantic and contemporary period, based on assessment of the particular use of music elements and form
Have greater presentation skills, following customs in the discipline
Be able to ciritcally asess complex musicological texts and draw conclusions based on their own voice as musicians
Being a teacher at a small liberal arts college, where my dual qualification and profession fits so perfectly to my job description, has been exceptionally rewarding. I have been teaching violin studio, colloquium, and chamber music for every semester, and MUS 201 and MUS 318 (Music of the Baroque, Classical and Early Romantic Eras) and MUS 319 (Music of the Late Romantic and Modern Eras) for four, nine, and nine semesters, respectively.
As a violin teacher I am proud of my ability to work with students of all levels, making them better musicians, which, in turn, makes them happy, makes them enjoy playing in orchestra more, and allows for music-related jobs after graduation. The high expectations that I expect of my students reflect who I am: a hard-working individual whose love for the violin cannot be captured in words.